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Extra output power pin on RBBB board?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:05 pm
by tony
This is a suggestion to put an extra (12V power) ground output pin on the RBBB PCB, such that it can also be used on a breadboard.
The output power pins (12V and ground) are now above each other. They will short-cut if the RBBB is pushed into a breadboard.
I noted that the layout on the RBBB PCB allows to re-root the 12V output a bit, and then there will be space to put an extra ground pin side by side with the 12V output pin.
The 2 output pins can then be soldered vertically or horizontally, keeping the board backwards compatible.
Maybe a suggestion to implement in a next version of the RBBB PCB?

Re: Extra output power pin on RBBB board?

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:46 am
by oz

Sorry for the Really slow reply

I'm missing the suggestion.
They will short-cut if the RBBB is pushed into a breadboard.
People have been using these on breadboards for years - all the pins are in a row - how can pins short out?
OK - it think you're referring to the input power holes. They weren't really meant for pins, just wires from a power supply or battery if used with the regulator snipped off, as shown on the product page.

I don't really think the design is going to change at this point - we've sold many thousands of them.

Thanks though


Re: Extra output power pin on RBBB board?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 3:06 pm
by tony
Sorry for my slow reply but I am not often on this forum.

I think you got the point in that I have soldered pins to the power inputs instead of wires. And in this way I cannot use the power-part in a breadboard. The power part is now hanging outside of my breadboard, indeed with the power supply soldered to it.

My suggestion was to modify the board layout such that it remains backwards compatible but that the user has the option to connect the power lines either as they are now, or in an extra hole such that it can be used in a breadboard. I made a drawing of it but I don't see a way on this forum to upload pictures.


Re: Extra output power pin on RBBB board?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:24 pm
by oz
You should see an "upload attachements" tab when you have the editor window open. Do you see that below the editor window?
