what to do when it does not work

Discussion of Jee Products and Wireless Tech
jon bondy
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:14 pm

what to do when it does not work

Post by jon bondy »

I ordered a JeeLink (which works) and a BUB II, a JeeNode and a Power Board.

The Power Board appears to work, but that is beside the point, because I cannot get the JeeNode to work when powered by the BUB.

The documentation for the power board is meager. I think that I have things right for piggy backing (battery mounted on the side of the board without printing, pins on the side of the board with printing). I only mention this because I have plugged the Power Board into the JeeNode (could I have fried something?).

The BUB works (LEDs come on), but when I plug the JeeNode in and type stuff into the board, nothing comes back from the JeeNode; it does come back from the JeeLink. The discussions about the jumpers on the BUB are numerous but mostly not useful, and sometimes contradictory. Do I need them? Which ones? Do I need to cut some soldered jumpers? It is all a bit vague. If I did any of this wrong, could I have fried something?

What happens to any of the 3.3 volt stuff if you give it 5 volts? It does not work? It fries?

Is the demo software already installed on the JeeNode? I have read that it is, and I have read that it is not. It sure would be nice if the demo software blinked the LED when first powered up.

I've been soldering and programming for decades, so rookie mistakes are possible, but unlikely.

Where should I start?



jon bondy
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:14 pm

Re: what to do when it does not work

Post by jon bondy »

I guess that you are no longer pre-loading the demo on the JeeNodes.

jon bondy
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:14 pm

Re: what to do when it does not work

Post by jon bondy »

This code turns a light on, emits a beep, and waits for someone to touch an input; it also will time out after 5 seconds. After the "for" loop, I try to send a message back to another node (#26). While that message is being transmitted, the CRC is wrong. Any idea what is wrong with the last 10 lines of code?


// turn light on
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // 4 is port 1
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
// emit tone on speaker
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // 6 is port 3
tone(6, 250, 500);
// wait for switch closure
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) {
testbuf[0] = i / 256;
testbuf[1] = i % 256;
// the readCapacitivePin function also causes a 1 ms delay
pinMode(5, INPUT);
int c;
c = readCapacitivePin(5); // port 2
if (c > 1) {
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // turn the light off
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // turn the light off
// transmit response

dest = 26; // this is desktop computer
cmd = 'a';
sendLen = 2; // message stuffed in above loop

byte header = cmd == 'a' ? RF12_HDR_ACK : 0;
if (dest)
header |= RF12_HDR_DST | dest;
rf12_sendStart(header, testbuf, sendLen);
cmd = 0;

jon bondy
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:14 pm

Re: what to do when it does not work

Post by jon bondy »

Ah. I needed a rf12_sendWait.

Site Admin
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Re: what to do when it does not work

Post by oz »

jon bondy,

So all is well?

Sorry about our BUB docs, I've done some clarifying of them recently.


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