So I bought the Wind Sensor Rev. C and wanted to use it with a NodeMCU.
When using analogRead() on the temp pin I get a value of 800+/- which translates to a temperature of about -13 degrees Celsius using the provided sketch, while the room I'm in is at around 23 degrees Celsius.
Now I decided just to use another temperature sensor and then just use its value, based on the idea of bitbang3r found here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=3878.
Now when calibrating, I had to use a value of -1.6 for zeroWindAdjustment to get a consistent 0 m/s wind speed. Is such a high value normal? I've seen others use way smaller values, thus I'm just double checking here whether this is fine or not.
Wind Sensor Rev. C temp readout and high zeroWindAdjustment
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:25 am
Re: Wind Sensor Rev. C temp readout and high zeroWindAdjustment
Yes negative values for zero wind are fine.
As far as the temperature goes, it will only be accurate with a 5 volt regulated supply.
I hope we can revise that code soon also because it seems like it may be a problem as well.
Paul Badger
Yes negative values for zero wind are fine.
As far as the temperature goes, it will only be accurate with a 5 volt regulated supply.
I hope we can revise that code soon also because it seems like it may be a problem as well.
Paul Badger