Arduino 1.0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

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Arduino 1.0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

Post by BobCochran13 »

I want to confirm that the RF12demo sketch will compile fine under the Arduino 1.0 release. However you have to get the "Jeelib" library from Jean-Claude Wippler's Github, instead of downloading it from his Jeelabs website. At least for me, the and libraries downloaded from JeeLabs did not compile under Arduino 1.0; they got compile errors. The I looked again at the JeeLabs site and noticed a remark about moving the code to GitHub as of one of the Arduino 1.0 beta releases. I downloaded this code from and followed the instructions in the file, and everything compiled and uploaded just fine.

As a bonus for me -- both my RF12B board and my JeeNode v6 kits appear to have been built correctly (by me, all mistakes are my own!), and they are now speaking to each other. This should give me a wonderful Christmas time tweeting bird feeder project which I'm basing on a chapter in Mike Riley's upcoming book, "Programming Your Home", with exactly that title -- "Tweeting Bird Feeder" (Chapter 4, I think.) A huge difference is that Mike is basing his chapter on ZigBees and I'm using RFM12b boards. If the JeeNode can survive our Maryland weather, it should make a less expensive and versatile platform compared to attaching a ZigBee to an Arduino Uno or similar device. Also, I can make use of my Really Bare Bones Board.


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Re: Arduino 1.0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

Post by stevech »

ZigBee? For a simple point to point link?
Or do you actually mean an XBee radio in 802.15.4 mode without ZigBee?

-- Yes, I too got the 915MHz mode running with Arduino 1.0.
There's also another library out there - RFM12B in plain C, not C++ as Arduino uses. So it'll work with Atmel's free AVR Studio 4. And download with AVRdude to the on-chip Arduino bootloader.

with nice documentation done with doxygen

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Re: Arduino 1.0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

Post by BobCochran13 »

I stand corrected, I should have said XBee! I seem to get stuck on the ZigBee name.
Thanks very much for the C version of the RFM12B library. That can prove very helpful.



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Re: Arduino 1.0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

Post by stevech »

Yes... ZigBee is to IEEE 802.15.4 what TCP/IP is to IEEE 802.3 - one of many network layer protocols.

ZigBee is not a synonym for IEEE 802.15.4

XBee is a product name (Digi International) for one of/the most popular plug and play IEEE 802.15.4 module, with a different product in the XBee family supporting ZigBee (different chipset)

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Arduino 1 0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

Post by Sonovkwf »

great videos Pete.

Can I ask what device your using for scans, does this pump out a file format compatible with WW6 or do you need to convert it?


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Arduino 1 0 Works With JeeNodes and RFM12B Boards

Post by AlisanOf »

thats amazing news - what do I need to do to get the arduino and Mac OSX working together too?


Jim H

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